My evening self care routine

How many of you feel like there’s never enough time in a day to finish all the items on your never ending to do list? How many of you cram as many things as you can as soon as you can from the second you get off work right until you turn off the lights for bed? I am guilty of all these things. I don’t like to waste time and try to be as productive and efficient as I can be. I sat down last week and asked myself if I was truly happy with everything that I was juggling and trying to balance. For the most part – I am still floating but there is definitely room to improve the quality of time for myself. As happy as I am to slowly cross off items from my to-do list, I remind myself that the work I need to do will always be there and it’s more important to take the time out of my day to take care of myself.

What does this all mean?

So a couple of weeks ago, I developed an evening self care routine that has been working really well for me.  Although this might work differently with everyone, the routine alleviated a lot of stress and anxiety that I was unknowingly building up. Over the past few weeks, I could tell that my moods in the morning were slowly improving and I wasn’t constantly worrying about every little thing. Here is what I did:



I started off by picking up a book to read before bed which has worked really well to help me wind down. For those that have trouble sleeping in the evening, picking up a book might even speed up the process! On the days where I have a lot on my mind or had a stressful day at work, I like to write it all down in my bullet journal and jot down things that have occurred that day or even compose a “to do” list for the upcoming days or weeks ahead. Sometimes I like to write down random quotes or things that I come across that inspire me to have a better attitude towards everyday life. This method removes my anxiety and is definitely a calming mechanism.



Listening to relaxing music at the end of a long day takes a lot off my mind. I have several “go to” apps that I use to help me wind down. Relax Lite, Relax Meditation and Relax Melodies all work great! Alternatively, I also search something up on Spotify or Youtube when I want something different. You have no idea how many 3 hour videos there are of just water sounds and spa music. I also find the breathing exercises on Youtube quite helpful as well. There are some breathing exercise videos that are as short as 10 mins – sometimes I end up falling asleep to these!



I’ve started using oil diffusers a couple of years back to alleviate really bad coughs. When I’m not using it for coughs, I like to put a couple of drops of my stress release essential oil into my Aukey Ultrasonic Diffuser. The essential oil works like magic and soothes the feeling of mild anxiety and nervousness. I usually set it for several hours and it will turn itself off. The Aukey Ultrasonic Diffuser contains these features:

  • Ensures the integrity of the essential oil molecular structure and allows for healthy bodily absorption
  • Ultrasonic water – oxygen diffusing produces healthy anions
  • 7 colour changing LED provides light therapy
  • Combines the benefits of aroma-therapy, aqua therapy and light therapy
  • Unit may also be used as a non-aromatherapy humidifier




People say to drink at least 8 cups of water a day. I always leave a glass of water be my bed side table so I have a glass right before bed and another glass as soon as I wake up.



Skincare is very important to me especially growing up with a bad case of acne. After testing through endless amounts of brands, I finally found what works best for me. I’ve been using Amore Pacific for 3 years now and it does the magic for me and leaves my skin very  silky and moisturized. Although, its quite on the pricey side, I feel like I can justify with myself to buy a brand that works well with me.


Hope you guys enjoyed reading through my evening self care routine. Please let me know in the comments what you guys do to take care of yourselves!

The Aukey ultrasonic diffuser was complimentary but remains unbiased in our content.


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